National Water Company leak detection: Protecting your home from dangers

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The National Water Company (NWC) is a leading provider of water and sanitation services in Saudi Arabia. One of the services offered by the NWC is leak detection, which aims to identify any water leaks that may occur in homes and buildings, in order to prevent damage or losses.

The importance of leak detection

Leak detection is important for several reasons:

  • To prevent damage or losses: Water leaks can cause damage to a building, such as erosion of walls and ceilings, mold growth, and peeling paint. This damage can be significant, and in some cases, can even lead to the collapse of the building.
  • To save water: Water leaks can waste water, which can increase water bills.
  • To protect the environment: Water leaks can pollute the environment.

NWC leak detection methods

The NWC uses a variety of methods to detect leaks, including:

Traditional methods: These methods rely on sight and sound to detect leaks. One common traditional method is to use an acoustic leak detection device, which helps to amplify the sound of leaking water.

Modern methods: These methods use modern devices and technologies to detect leaks. Some common modern leak detection methods include:

  • Infrared thermography: This method uses a device that emits infrared radiation, which can be used to identify leaks by detecting differences in temperature.
  • Video camera inspection: This method uses a video camera that is inserted into water pipes to identify leaks visually.
  • Sewer camera inspection: This method uses a camera that is inserted into sewer pipes to identify leaks visually.

How to request leak detection services from the NWC

To request leak detection services from the NWC, you can contact the NWC customer service center at 920001744 or use the KASHF application, which was developed by the National Center for Water Efficiency and Rationalization. The KASHF application allows you to request leak detection services from companies accredited by the NWC.

Tips for preventing leaks

Here are some tips for preventing leaks:

  • Have your pipes inspected regularly: This will help to identify any potential leaks early on.
  • Use appropriate insulation materials on your pipes: This will help to prevent leaks by keeping your pipes warm.
  • Inspect your pipes regularly: This will help you to identify any leaks yourself.


The NWC is a leading provider of leak detection services in Saudi Arabia. The NWC uses a variety of methods to detect leaks, including both traditional and modern methods. To request leak detection services from the NWC, you can contact the NWC customer service center or use the KASHF application.

Additional information

Here are some additional tips for preventing and detecting leaks:

  • Be aware of signs that you may have a leak, such as increased water bills, dampness around pipes, or mold growth.
  • If you suspect a leak, act immediately. The longer a leak goes undetected, the more damage it can cause.
  • If you are unable to detect the leak yourself, or if the leak is in a difficult-to-reach location, contact a professional leak detection company.

By following these tips, you can help to protect your home from the dangers of water leaks.



