Water leak detection application

First, what is the water leak detection application?

Water leak detection application through which you can order online to be answered with prices through the companies registered with us from within your city.

Second: What are the sections of the water leak detection application?

Water leak detection
Tank insulation
Water leak detection devices
Sewer drainage

How to download the water leak detection application

There are two applications, one for customers who want repairs, and there is an application for businesses who register with us to display their prices to customers

What is the customer application?

The customer application is an application intended for those looking for companies to repair water leaks in their homes or at their workplace.

What is the service provider application for companies?

It is an application intended for companies, so they register for it and are then approved by the application management and then work with us.


Where do I download water leak detection?

You can download the application through stores such as Google Play and Apple Store


Is there a financial reward for working on the water leak detection application?

There is no financial compensation. You can work with us for free.